Thursday, October 27, 2011

Kids say the darndest things?

More like adults say the darndest things....
I thought it would be fun to list some of the things that people have said to me...and the responses that I would like to come back with, but refrained :)

"So, how much weight have you gained????"
(You first, how old are you and what do YOU weigh?)

"Do you know what causes your "condition"?"
(Drinking the water?)

"Get your rest now!"
(Why? Can I somehow bank it up and save it for later?)

"You're life is about to change forever"
(REALLY!!! This deal is off!)

"Kids poop, a lot. You better be stocked up on diapers"
(Yeah? So does my husband, but i'm working on potty training him"

And my all time favorite with my actual response to it - "Aren't blondes, like, more prone to having complications when they are pregnant? I thought I had read that somewhere"
Me - Ummm no...but I would suggest staying off WebMD for your information...

Have a good day peeps!

Friday, October 21, 2011

It's the little things...

Doctor appointment day!!!!! Favorite day of the week! This also means that I get to leave work early and that I got to drive myself to work. While I appreciate saving money with the Rideshare is sometimes nice to have a car to myself with my own music playing :) Looking forward to hearing miss Hallie's heartbeatand hopefully find out if my doc wants to schedule another ultrasound in a few weeks or not. My crap insurance won't pay for it, but I would love to see her little face again :)
I will also find out if I can quit poking my dang finger to check my glucose numbers everyday or not. So far I have been pretty normal, which has perplexed my doctor since I failed both of my gestational diabetes tests. Straaaange! I do have to watch what I eat a little bit, but my body certainly hasn't been acting like someone who has this. Something else that has my doctor scratching his head is my white blood cell count - which is "slightly elevated". They did a blood test and sent it to be looked at by a hemotoligist to take a closer look. He said everything looks fine. Which is strange also. As my doctor put it, "congrats, you don't have leukemia". Ummmm, thanks? They are saying it's nothing to worry about as it is only a slight elevation, and my blood cells look just fine, but if it doesn't return to normal after delivery I think that it might warrant a second opinion.

I am getting excited for my baby shower next Saturday with all my family. A BIG thanks goes to my sister for putting everything together and planning it. I know she has a busy busy schedule this time of the year and it was great that we could find a free Saturday that would work for us! I can't wait to see everyone!

Side note: I need to remind myself that wearing orange is not a good idea. I bought a maternity shirt at Target last night, which happens to be orange. It wasn't until I got to work this morning and looked in the mirror that I realized I resemble a pumpkin. No joke. Oh well, i'll still wear it since I am desperate for clothes that fit :)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Hello, blogging!

Here we go! I decided to start a blog rather than posting every thought on facebook. I want a place where I am free to say what I want without the whole world seeing it! Not everything is status update worthy :)

As of today I am 32 weeks, 3 days pregnant with baby girl Hallie Claire! We are anxiously awaiting her arrival! Trying to plan for a baby is stressful at times. So much to buy! I know what I want and am guessing at what I may need. Who knew I would ever get excited about finding out our insurance will help cover the cost of a breast pump!!?!? Or the fact that our insurance deductible has been fufilled for 2011!?!? A year ago I would have never thought twice about these things :)

Things I am feeling this week:

TIRED. Did I mention tired? 2 bathroom breaks a night. Last night I couldn't even keep my eyes open. How am I supposed to feed a child at 2 AM if I can't keep my eyes open to go potty!?!?

Overwhelmed. Only 7 1/2 weeks left? Potentially less! I feel like there is so much to do! Time to start planning maternity leave, talk about a reality check! I am taking a week off before my due date to lay at home and enjoy the last few quiet days with my husband. My job offers me 2 weeks off before the due date if I wish to take it. Which would mean that my last day of work would be the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. I'm afraid I would go crazy sitting at home for 2 weeks awaiting her arrival...

Sore. My ribs are aching in pain. Baby girl's little hiney is in my ribs...

Emotional. Enough said

Beyond Excited. When we leave the hospital, she's all ours! I don't have to share her with anyone else!!! Except Matt of course :)

After 11 months of trying to get pregnant, our day came on April 6th, 2011 at exactly 4:33 pm with a positive pregnancy test. Hard to believe she will be here so soon. I prayed for this child and the Lord granted me what I asked of him :)