Stop #1 - Newton Village where the MIL works. They were hosting trick or treaters from 6-7 so we purposely got there at 5:45 to avoid the rush. Afterall, we weren't there for candy we were just there to see Matt's mom. You would have thought the world was ending when we walked in! Two different blue hairs told us to go wait outside because it doesn't start until 6. I wanted to say "thanks, but we are with the band" but I didn't figure they would understand my humor. So I simply stated we are with Vickie and all was well in the world.
This is where I captured this picture of my little lover. Seriously too much cuteness!
Stop #2 - My dad's house. Julie and Rory were there with Dylan and Drew. Halle wanted to dig her hands in the candy and my dad tried giving her a blow pop. She was TICKED when I took it away. Wish I would have got a picture because her face was priceless. When we left Superman stood next to the driveway and motioned us out. Only Drew :)
Stop #3 - Matt's Grandma Carson's apartment. It's one of those where you have to buzz her apartment and be let in. So we buzzed up, no answer. Oh yes, there was a lady that was sitting right inside the door just looking at us. Um, ya want to let us in?!?! She shook her head at me. FiNAllY some other people left so we snuck in. The lady says "Sorry! Couldn't let ya in! But here, have some crackers." Thanks, Leila.
We trotted up to third floor and whatta know, no grandma! We went back down, asked someone else if they knew where she was and she took us to the card playing room. Bingo!
We met some sweet ladies that play cards with grandma. At this point I had sweat running down my back and was ready to exit stage left. Said our goodbyes, avoided the lady with (what looked like) peanut butter cookies and left.
Stop #4 - Matt's Grandma Firkins apartment. Much more pleasant stop since it wasn't 85 degrees there :) She gave us some peanut butter cups and we went on our way.
Stop #5, last and final stop - Hannah's house! Halle got to pet hayden the weiner dog, but when he started growling at Matt we left. Best part of the night was when we got in the car after leaving there and Matt says to me "What was Hannah wearing? One of those Lu Lu's??" You mean a Tu-Tu, hunnie?
He has a thing or two to learn about girls :)
All in all it was a good (busy) night, but we made it home by bedtime :)