Thursday, April 17, 2014

So What Wednesday! Er, Thursday...

SO what if I'm counting down the days until I can pee on a stick. TMI? Sorry! But for the record...the magical day is Tuesday. #letthisbeit #imtiredinmorewaysthanone So what If I missed my sister while she was gone. Probably more than I care to admit :) SO what if I upped the text messaging on my cell phone because I always hit my limit a week before my bill cycle starts over. What am I, 16 again??? No idea how I am texting so much. So what if I put some dirty dishes next to the sink last night..and when Matt yells from the kitchen "why didn't you put your dishes in the dishwasher!?!?!" My reply was "because I'm a lazy ass hole" So what if I bought the same pair of pants in 3 different colors. The price was right... So what If I sort of want some color on the ends of my hair and join the ombre club. I've only spent the last 2.5 years growing it out so all the color is out of it. Probably not going to happen. I'd rather buy my spoiled kid a new pair of shoes (or 3) than pay to get my hair colored. Hey, at least I'm honest!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Baby, maybe?

Just kidding, I'm not. What I AM though is 4 days late with no sign of flo. Annnd I am for sure NOT pregnant. (Please spare the "tests aren't always right" because I've wasted pee on 4 sticks - 2 different brands) *LE SIGH* Thank you, body, for being totally and completely jacked up. All in God's timing! Although at this point I am seriously wondering what this perfect timing will entail? For once Matt and I really thought we had our shtuff together so anytime this child wants to come we are a bit prepared. $4k in my HSA account for a child to shoot out of me? Check! The list goes on, but that's neither here nor there. Whenever you are ready, God, so are we!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Straight to my heart

I found this today and it totally spoke to me. I can't make a link work but it's from

Broken promises and candybars

I commit to the same thing every month. And if my math is correct, I’ve made that same promise 12 times in a row.

And yet I fail every time.

You see, on about day 27 or 28 of every month, I wake up early in the morning and drive to the Dollar General. Usually I’m still in my pajamas, but today I wore jean shorts and actually put on a bra. The odds of us taking pictures and a video were high because I was convinced this month would be different.

I left the door open to the bathroom as I completed my routine pee, excitedly chatting with Jake who was on the couch. But within a few seconds, I knew this would not be the month. Sounds of crinkling plastic caught Jake’s attention and he asked whatelse I bought at the store.

“Well, they’re mini Snickers bars. They’re celebratory or condolences. And I guess today they’re condolences.”

And then came memorized-promise No. 13: “I refuse to do this to myself in July. I will not subject myself to this disappointment. I will not take a pregnancy test unless I have missed my period by more than a week.”

I’m amazed at the human heart — the ability to be so incredibly discouraged one day and 100 percent hopeful a few weeks later. It’s quite the vicious cycle, actually. The promise to avoid the test is usually made during full-fledged vulnerability — pants down on the toilet, negative test in hand with tears on my cheeks. But somehow, against all odds, I find myself in that same (hopeful) position every month.

My promise today feels firm — I can’t handle this emotional setback next month. (But if we’re going to be realistic, I know over the course of the next 30 days, my spirit will revive itself and my mind will do a little convincing. “This is it! This is your month.”)

“Just don’t think about it. If you don’t think about it, it will work,” they say. Why don’t you give it a try: Don’t picture a pink elephant. Avoid it at all costs. Ignore the fact that the women in your family have pink elephants, that your friends have them, that social media news feeds flood your thoughts with ultrasounds and videos of pink elephants, and that you're Primary president over 120 of them. Oh, and avoid talking about it, too, even though your husband is a doctor for pink elephants.

Now stop focusing on it ... and you’ll get one of your own!


Unless you’ve struggled with infertility, it's hard to relate. How can you not think about it? And why does "not thinking about" mean you'll get one? (Hate to break it to you — thinking about it doesn't affect the rate sperm swim or eggs drop, nor the timing they connect.) 

Sure, I apply the Atonement. I have a solid understanding of trials and faith. I’m not ignoring the fact that Doc. P and I have had sacred spiritual experiences and answers from Heavenly Father. I hold those moments very dear and we both know children will eventually come."

Now I wouldn't say that we struggle per se with infertility, what I would say is that it takes careful planning and a lot of praying to get a bun in my oven. It's only been since the end of September that we have been trying for #2. Good heavens that isn't long at all. I know it isn't. While I'm not here to have a pity party for myself, the hurt is real every month my test is negative. Halle took 10 long months and it was agonizing. I'm not about to try and question God's plan because it is much bigger than mine. I think I was hopeful that journey #2 would be easier but it's not looking like it is. SO here we go.