Thursday, November 29, 2012


A friend of mine at work has been talking a LOT lately about how their 4 year old daughter is an absolute nightmare lately. As in, huge attitude problems. What it boils down to is that she runs their house.
They had her at the doctor yesterday for some ear problems and as soon as they called her to come back she thew the biggest fit. (including kicking the wall and screaming loud enough for people in the street to hear) Their doctor asked if parenting has become a nightmare lately. Their response? "You have no idea!"

The doctor recommended a parenting book that can change the way you think. She said she had read it and has recommended it to many people! As we were talking about it this morning I decided to buy it on amazon . There is a whole series on this.

I started reading it over my lunch and found out that it's never too early to start! Just thought I would share if anyone is interested :)

Celebrity Sightings!!!


If you haven't read Holly's blog yet, check her out! She is so funny! I'm linking up today to talk about celebrity sightings!

So my story isn't really that exciting. I seem to have a small obsession with one of our local weather guys. Ed Wilson. I just love the guy. One day right before Christmas I was at Costco with my mom and as we were walking out I see Ed Wilson sitting at one of the tables with his son eating a hot dog. I was so star struck that the only thing I could manage to say to my mom was "It's ED WILSON! I can't believe I saw him out IN THE WILD with the rest of the commom people!"

Or how about the time that my brother in law was staying at the same hotel as Justin Bieber, hung out in the lounge with him at the same time (different tables) and didn't realize that it was Justin until after he left the next morning! This wouldn't be such a big deal, but his 10 year old daughter is OBSESSED with the Biebs. She even has a tooth brush that plays Bieber songs. #dadfail.

I can't wait to read everyone else's link up!!!!

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

so WHAT wednesday!

It's Wednesday again, so I thought i'd do another round of SWW!!!

So what if I spent $25 on invitations for Halle's first birthday party? They were adorable! I found this adorable website from a fellow blogger, Kristen! Her blog can be found here!

So what if I have the phone number and address to the San Antonio impound lot memorized? Thanks to my job and the fine people of Texas :)

So what I had an energy drink and a cup of coffee this morning? I was tired!

So what if I'm not looking forward to *PART* of the Christmas holiday? If you had to sit through a Thanksgiving dinner where grandma barfed on the floor after swallowing some water wrong and then follow that up with an hour of listening to someone play Call of Duty on a 60 inch tv with surround sound....and you wouldn't be excited for the holiday festivities there either.....

So what if my give a darn is busted today?

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

So What Wednesday!!!!

It's Wednesday and I feel like making a list of random thoughts and call them "so what". I'm sure at one point someone did a link up for this, but for the life of me I can't figure out how to work that nor can I find the person's blog that I saw this on....

So what If I had a dream last night that I was pregnant...I took a pregnancy test and the results said "very pregnant". Strange.

So what If I ate an entire box of Little Debbie christmas tree cakes this week.

So what if I made it to work in 30 minutes, flat. Normally a 45 minute commute. I'm chalking it up to the fact that no one is working today and there was no traffic on 235.

So what if I'm making a frozen lasagna for Thanksgiving day lunch for my husband and daughter. (Mom...please pretend you didn't just read that ;))

I'm looking forward to getting of work a little early today. Also excited for Thanksgiving Eve service at church tonight!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Turkey Trot Link Up!

I couldn't get the fancy smancy button box thing to work, so I just left it out....

I've never, ever linked up this is my first!!! Holly inspired me :) you can find her blog here

1. What do you look forward to more: the food, football or parades?  PARADE! I'm kind of Un-American and don't like turkey. *GASP!*

2. What is your favorite non-traditional Thanksgiving Day dish?   Cake Balls. My mama knows the key to my heart <3

3. After dinner, is it football or a nap?   Neither. Playing a never ending game of Phase 10 where an adorable niece of mine has been known to acccidently exclaim "STEVE!!!!!!! YOU HAVE TO DISCHARGE!!!!"   eh, she meant "discard" but it was hilarious and she will never live it down.

4. Do you watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade? Yes!

5. Where do you go to celebrate and eat your big meal? Who is there (family, friends)? Depends on the year...last year we ended up at a restaurant at a table with a mother in law and a grandma that don't speak to each other. This year is so jam packed with plans that I'm looking forward to staying home on Thanksgiving day with my husband and baby and eating frozen lasagna.

6. What is your favorite turkey day dessert?  Again, cake balls. Pumpkin pie is gross.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thursday Ramblings

Today is one of those days where I can barely handle my job. Yes, I am thankful for my salary, but the people of Texas are about to be the death of me. The people around me are on my last nerve. A text to my mom yesterday said something to the effect of wanting to tip someone over when they lean back in their chair...       I didn't do it, but I really, really wanted to.....

*deep breath*

I think a trip to Target over my lunch sounds like a terrific idea! Who doesn't love a new cardigan?  Good lord, I've turned into my mother.....

Unrelated side daughter is back to refusing to eat. If I fed her cheese and blueberries for every meal she would be a happy camper. Suggestions on what to feed her??

The last and final Twilight movie comes out tonight. I can't wait to see it!!! I'm probably going to end up going to end up taking myself to see it alone. Who wants to watch Halle?!

I ordered Halle's birthday invites this week from a fellow blogging friend. If I knew how to do fancy links I totally would. But her site is

All sorts of random thoughts today :)