If you haven't read Holly's blog yet, check her out! She is so funny! I'm linking up today to talk about celebrity sightings!
So my story isn't really that exciting. I seem to have a small obsession with one of our local weather guys. Ed Wilson. I just love the guy. One day right before Christmas I was at Costco with my mom and as we were walking out I see Ed Wilson sitting at one of the tables with his son eating a hot dog. I was so star struck that the only thing I could manage to say to my mom was "It's ED WILSON! I can't believe I saw him out IN THE WILD with the rest of the commom people!"
Or how about the time that my brother in law was staying at the same hotel as Justin Bieber, hung out in the lounge with him at the same time (different tables) and didn't realize that it was Justin until after he left the next morning! This wouldn't be such a big deal, but his 10 year old daughter is OBSESSED with the Biebs. She even has a tooth brush that plays Bieber songs. #dadfail.
I can't wait to read everyone else's link up!!!!
Happy Thursday!
This is legit...I am friends with Ed :)