I am so thankful for my dear friend Sabrina for making this image for us to use!!!
So what if I just walked into work and instead of doing work I decide to blog? The fine people of Texas with their s*$& sandwiches they serve me day after day can wait :)
So what If I was BEYOND excited for Halle's toys to be delivered yesterday, and then almost cried when UPS failed me. "Not delivered due to external factors. New delivery date 12/5" UPS can just be glad that my daughter isn't old enough to know any better....
I know, I'm such a toughie :)
So what if I have until Friday to write a good year end review/make a 2013 development plan and haven't started yet? No biggie, if it isn't well thought out I won't get much of a raise. Who needs a raise anyway? Money grows on trees in my back yard.
Speaking of trees, the husband and I are currently in disagreement over our evergreen tree in the back yard. He wants to cut it down, I don't. Who will win? I'm guessing the person with the chainsaw. which isn't me.
So what If I still laugh at this picture everytime I look at it? Baby girl was not in the mood for the 21 questions that Santa was asking her. "Have you been good this year? What do you want for Christmas? Are you leaving cookies for Santa? What about Rudolph?"
Oh, that face!!! Too sweet!