Friday, April 12, 2013

Dear Halle

Life with you lately has been so much fun! I don't ever want to forget this time with you. A few nights ago you said "MOM" with as much clarity as I've ever heard you use! Granted, you were ticked that I was taking too long getting you some milk, but i'll take what I can get.
You think stupid puss Mya is so funny. You want nothing more than to lay on her and stroke her fur. Obviously this only lasts less than a minute as she isn't very patient with you. Don't take that personally.
You think you are SO funny! Clearly that comes from your mama. The other day you were digging in the drawer you know you aren't supposed to be in. You pulled out a pad of paper and when I came after you, you ran in the other direction giggling the whole way. I couldn't help but laugh.
Your favorite "game" is to have daddy or I chase you in the hallway. We have done this so much that now you just think it's funny when I am carrying you upstairs and daddy is just walking behind us.
You LOVE your wagon! We have been on a few walks in it and you can't take the grin off your face the whole time.
When I take you to daycare in the morning you jump out of my arms to Lacie. You have also been known to throw a fit when I pick you up because you don't want to leave. This warms my heart that you love where you spend your days :)



Wednesday, April 10, 2013


So what if I have an interview in less than 2 hours and am literally about to crap my pants due to this anxiety.

So what if I woke up feeling funny and have a borderline migraine. Must be the weather my sister said because she feels the same. I'm going to add to the list of things you shouldn't do with a migrane: #1 on my list is giving an interview. I'm guessing that #1 on my sister's list is trying to prepare Easter dinner.

So what if i'm debating about adding the insurance back to my cell phone plan because I dropped my phone last night and completely messed up the screen. This may be insurance fraud. This is what I get for trying to save myself $5.95 a month on my cell phone bill and dropping the insurance a few months ago.

So what if this is all i've got today. My mind is full of interview questions and thinking about how i'll answer them.......

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


So what if Halle's dentist appointment was cancelled at last minute but I still left early yesterday? I had already made up my time off so....SO WHAT!

So what if I applied for a new job - same place - and have been stalking the hiring manager's calendar?! I want to know if/when he has interviews scheduled :)

So what if I sort of wish my cat would run away...she is starting to be really mean. Yes, more so than what is usual for her.

So what if I feel like I'm constantly being told (in one way or another) that I can't be a Christian because I 100% believe that gay people should be allowed to get married. It's really been weighing on my heart a lot lately. People have that you either believe the Bible or you don't and you can't call yourself a christian unless you believe it to be true. (I'm paraphrasing here). It hurts my feelings and I am starting to feel like a fake because I don't believe the popular majority of others who live for Jesus. I feel like I can't be part of the "club" of christians because I disagree whole heartedly with the popular opinion.

So what if that is maybe a little too deep for a SWW. But it was weighing on my heart. So what if that's the first time i've publicly declared my opinion on that issue.

signing off.