Wednesday, April 3, 2013


So what if Halle's dentist appointment was cancelled at last minute but I still left early yesterday? I had already made up my time off so....SO WHAT!

So what if I applied for a new job - same place - and have been stalking the hiring manager's calendar?! I want to know if/when he has interviews scheduled :)

So what if I sort of wish my cat would run away...she is starting to be really mean. Yes, more so than what is usual for her.

So what if I feel like I'm constantly being told (in one way or another) that I can't be a Christian because I 100% believe that gay people should be allowed to get married. It's really been weighing on my heart a lot lately. People have that you either believe the Bible or you don't and you can't call yourself a christian unless you believe it to be true. (I'm paraphrasing here). It hurts my feelings and I am starting to feel like a fake because I don't believe the popular majority of others who live for Jesus. I feel like I can't be part of the "club" of christians because I disagree whole heartedly with the popular opinion.

So what if that is maybe a little too deep for a SWW. But it was weighing on my heart. So what if that's the first time i've publicly declared my opinion on that issue.

signing off.

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