Friday, October 18, 2013

dear halle

Dear Halle -

I can't wrap my head around the fact that you will be two soon! You are quite the character these days and I love it! Let's talk about what is going on with you lately....

You hate your halloween costume. It is a simple lady bug, and you are terrified of it. Thank goodness your cousin Hannah is crafty, she is going to make you a tu-tu. I am dressing you in halloween colors and calling it a day.

You still LOVE watching Toy Story. If I turn on the tv and don't put on Woody you will bring me the remote and yell "WOOOEEEY!" (Woody).

Your Aunt Julie is still your best friend. I don't forsee this ever changing. You start yelling "JU!" the minute we turn down her street. We are still working on getting you to say "Roq" for aunt Roquel, but you haven't spit that out yet :)

Whenever we ask you a question the default answer is a very enthusiastic "no!" Which usually means yes. When you say no and really mean it, we know!

You have really turned up the notch with the tantrum throwing lately. We still love you, don't worry.

Talk of a baby brother/sister is on the horizon, so please don't hate us when another little person graces us with his/her presence.

We love you, Halle!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Halle-
    Don't let your mom fool you, ladybugs are scary critters.
    Tantrums move mountains..
    You will be an amazing big sister!
    <3 sabrina
