Thursday, May 23, 2013

"The Best Move You Can Make In Your Marriage"

Original source

He wasn't about to budge. That much was evident.

I could see it in his eyes. Could tell by his body language. My husband was in his Brick-Wall-Mode and he wasn't moving.

All I'd done was ask him to change - only change this one thing that bothered me greatly - and yet he was rather closed to the idea. Completely closed, in fact. I'm not even sure if he was listening.

What to do now?

That's what I was left wondering. Because I sure wanted him to do it differently.

I figured I had options. I might resort to crying, yelling, whining, pouting or maybe some serious nagging---although I'd have to admit I've never had much success with any of those approaches. Nor could I find any support for it in the Bible. No, I would have to come up with a better plan.

So with a big, heavy sigh, I began praying.

Not a stiff, formal prayer, but a pour-your-heart-out and a Lord-You-made-this-man-so-now-what? kind of prayer. I bet you know the kind I'm talking about.

And then I waited. Prayed some more. Waited and waited and waited.

Still nothing.

Then I did what came naturally - I gave up. And our life continued on as usual.

Until one day while I was chopping vegetables in the kitchen, he walked by me and dropped a simple remark. It went something like this, "You know that thing that was bugging you? Well, I've decided I'm not going to do it anymore." And that was that.

Can you believe it?? That beloved Brick Wall of Mine had moved after all.

I didn't say anything, but continued dicing the onions. With tears streaming down my cheeks. Silly onions - what they'll do to a woman.

God had changed what I could not.

He had heard my prayers and He'd been working all along. I just couldn't see it.

And that might be where you're at right now. In that waiting and praying and waiting place.  Maybe it's something really big, or maybe only a tiny matter. But either way, it's a blessing and a comfort to bring it all before The Lord and know that He's listening. He is always listening.

The Power of Prayer in Our Marriage

Sometimes God has the most marvelous ways of answering our prayers. I've witnessed some lovely miracles. Seen Him reverse many seemingly impossible situations.  He’s our loving Redeemer who cares for us. 

Sometimes He holds off His answer for a long time. Longer than we'd like. But don't give up (like I did - oh, me of little faith). Keep bringing your cares and concerns before The Lord.

Sometimes the work God wants to do is in US - and not the other person. More than once, it's turned out that I was the one who needed to change - much to my great surprise - when I was so certain that he was the one with the problem. So be willing, even desiring, for Him to do His work in you too. 

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus (Phil.4:6-7).
So the best move you can make in your marriage?


Pray for him. Pray for you. Ask God to do His mighty work in your marriage. Thank Him for what He's already doing - where you can see it and even where you can't just yet.

Because if He can move mountains? Then he can move brick walls.

I know. I've watched Him move mine.

Even watched Him move me. 

Thank you, Lord.

He is doing a good work in us.
I found this article today, and man did it really hit home. Just what I needed to read today.
Matt and I are at completely different places in our walk with Christ. I could say that I am making strides, while he is still standing on the sidelines. And that's ok, I guess. I can't force anything, nor do I want to. Let's all say a pray for my husband to at least take a step off the sidelines and be open to taking this journey with me....

Thursday, May 16, 2013

So What! If It's Thursday!

So What if I missed SWW yesterday?

So what if I am taking tomorrow off work? I had more vacation built up than I thought I did. Love it when that happens.

So what if my back-up person was annoyed that I am taking said day off?  Ain't nobody got time for that attitude!

So what if everyone at work this morning had their panties in a wad. All I could hear for the first 30 minutes was "THERE WAS 4 INCH HAIL IN TEXAS!!! ERRR MAAA GAWWWDDD!!!!!!!"
Side note:::: hail storms usually mean overtime for my everyone gets a little touchy around storm season here.....

So what if our garage door broke (for the 103895th time) last night and I yelled at Matt for making such a ruckus while fixing it. I mean, it was 1015 PM and all I could hear was the gawd-awful noise of the darn door. Old woman needs her sleep!

So what if our neighbor said to Matt this morning "saw your lights were on later than usual last night!" They like to keep tabs on the neighborhood, and we are on their good side so I don't mind if they want to check things out.

So what if this neighbor also called us last week to tell us that one of the neighbor kids kept peeking in our windows. Reason #457 that a 7 foot privacy fence is going up.

So what if I gave up my beloved good shampoo? and when Nicole reads this I would just ask that she just please have some grace on me :) Mama needed to save a few pennies!

So what if I'm having a hard time with forgiveness lately? It's really hard when someone continually puts you down everytime you let them in.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Siesta Scripture Memory Team *VERSE 10!*

I can't believe we are in week 10 already!!!! I am so glad I decided to do this.

My week 10 verse:

"If I gave everything I have to the poor and even sacrificed my body, I could boast about it; but if I didn't love others, I would have gained nothing" 1Corinthians 13:3 NLT

Happy Wednesday, friends!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Please have some grace on me if there are 100 typos in this....I'm on the ole iPad again and she likes to auto correct me :)

This weekend was absolutely perfect, best Mother's Day! Matt and Halle got me a gift certificate for a massage. My first one ever! I plan on using it ASAP. We got to spend time together, time with family, church, and I got a 3 hour nap. Thank you, Halle, for taking a long Sunday nap.

Lately I couldn't really give a crap less about other people's drama. As usual, I don't want to get into specifics in here...but some people are absolutely Ridiculous when it comes to the drama.
I feel like when people set unrealistic expectations of what you should or shouldn't do, it's always a no win situation. Everyone is responsible for their own happiness at the start of everyday. Choose happiness! Life is too short to fight with people.
If you are continually mad at the world, people will distance themselves from you...and someday you will look around and no one will be left. Unfortunate but true.
I have recently just had to take a step back and set boundaries with someone, and to be honest I am a lot happier. I can't continually let someone in me life that brings me down and causes me unhappiness . Again, I choose happiness.

I guess there wasn't much of a point to this post...just some lunch time thoughts while I people watch at Starbucks :)

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Dear Halle

Dear Halle,

17 months old, already! I say this a lot, but I don't ever want to forget this time with you! You are the funniest person I know. Seriously. Some of the stuff you do makes me laugh so hard!
You are starting to be so naughty and daddy And I don't know what to do with you :) you think it's hilarious to grab things you shouldn't have and sprint in the other direction. All with a big giggly laugh. It's hard to punish you.
You have started to allow me to put your hair in a piggy tail and its adorable. I even snuck in a bow with it and you didn't even fuss. This makes mama happy.
You still refuse to eat on occasion....but hey it's a woman's prerogative :)
Sometimes you cry when I pick you up from lacies house. This warms my heart.
You also love your aunt Julie to pieces. We pull in her driveway And you say "ju!" So cute! Although truth be told, you are daddy's girl ALWAYS! You love to just sit on his lap when he gets home from work. He is by far your favorite person in the world. When we decide to give you a sibling please don't be mad, mama needs to have someone to cuddle too :) no worries, it will be quite a while before that happens.  We are still enjoying our time with just you.



I don't have the cool logo for this edition of SWW.....

So what if I'm sitting at Starbucks tapping out this edition of SWW on the ole iPad? I forget how relaxing it is to sit here over lunch and people watch. (I sound like my grandma b:))

So what if I am on the edge of just up and quitting my job? I can't, but I'd like to.
Although, I feel like good things are coming for me. "When God closes a door, continue to worship Him in the hallway." While one career door just didn't work out how I'd hoped, I think good things are on the horizon.

So what if I just laughed out loud at what started playing in my headphones? iTunes on shuffle is quite entertaining! "Welcome to Atlanta where players play and parties don't stop til 8 in the morning," old school rap from when I used to be cool :)

So what if I made dinner and threw it in the trash? It was gross.

So what if I just now am starting to figure out what's really important to me? I'm not going to elaborate...that could be a new post all on its own.

So what if I've considered taking Halle to the doc for what seems to be a head cold? It's been 3 weeks . How much snot can one kid produce?! For the record, we aren't going to see dr j, but my crazy pants considered it.

So what if I am beyond excited for our fence?! You know you are a grown up when....