So What if I missed SWW yesterday?
So what if I am taking tomorrow off work? I had more vacation built up than I thought I did. Love it when that happens.
So what if my back-up person was annoyed that I am taking said day off? Ain't nobody got time for that attitude!
So what if everyone at work this morning had their panties in a wad. All I could hear for the first 30 minutes was "THERE WAS 4 INCH HAIL IN TEXAS!!! ERRR MAAA GAWWWDDD!!!!!!!"
Side note:::: hail storms usually mean overtime for my everyone gets a little touchy around storm season here.....
So what if our garage door broke (for the 103895th time) last night and I yelled at Matt for making such a ruckus while fixing it. I mean, it was 1015 PM and all I could hear was the gawd-awful noise of the darn door. Old woman needs her sleep!
So what if our neighbor said to Matt this morning "saw your lights were on later than usual last night!" They like to keep tabs on the neighborhood, and we are on their good side so I don't mind if they want to check things out.
So what if this neighbor also called us last week to tell us that one of the neighbor kids kept peeking in our windows. Reason #457 that a 7 foot privacy fence is going up.
So what if I gave up my beloved good shampoo? and when Nicole reads this I would just ask that she just please have some grace on me :) Mama needed to save a few pennies!
So what if I'm having a hard time with forgiveness lately? It's really hard when someone continually puts you down everytime you let them in.
I love you! I love your heart, and I will be praying for God to do some big works in our husbands lives! Love ya!