Dear Halle,
17 months old, already! I say this a lot, but I don't ever want to forget this time with you! You are the funniest person I know. Seriously. Some of the stuff you do makes me laugh so hard!
You are starting to be so naughty and daddy And I don't know what to do with you :) you think it's hilarious to grab things you shouldn't have and sprint in the other direction. All with a big giggly laugh. It's hard to punish you.
You have started to allow me to put your hair in a piggy tail and its adorable. I even snuck in a bow with it and you didn't even fuss. This makes mama happy.
You still refuse to eat on occasion....but hey it's a woman's prerogative :)
Sometimes you cry when I pick you up from lacies house. This warms my heart.
You also love your aunt Julie to pieces. We pull in her driveway And you say "ju!" So cute! Although truth be told, you are daddy's girl ALWAYS! You love to just sit on his lap when he gets home from work. He is by far your favorite person in the world. When we decide to give you a sibling please don't be mad, mama needs to have someone to cuddle too :) no worries, it will be quite a while before that happens. We are still enjoying our time with just you.
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