Thursday, November 17, 2011

Bedrest, sort of

A few weeks ago my doc put me on bedrest, modified bedrest. He said I could still be up and around and run a few errands, but nothing strenuous or stressful. I had noticed that my heartrate would skyrocket for no reason, which is what caused the bedrest decision. Being 5 weeks away from my due date at the time, it was not an ideal situation for me.

So far they have done 3 biophysical profiles (ultrasounds, basically) and non stress tests  on the baby. Doctor wants to make sure my heart issue isn't negatively affecting baby. Good news, she is PERFECTLY fine! So, the issue is me. I also go in for an echocardiogram (probably didn't spell that right!) today to take a look at my heart to make sure there isn't a bigger issue than just the problem of my heart racing. My doctor wants to make sure that labor wouldn't pose a problem for me. IF they find cause for concern, than we would have a scheduled c-section. We'll see what happens today.

In the meantime, I am sittting at home. Having the time of my life.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

30 days of giving *THANKS*

I missed day 1, so i'll start today! 11/2/11 - today I am thankful for this 4.5 pound baby moving in my belly right now. And most importantly giving thanks to God for answering my prayers! While 10 months of trying to get pregnant doesn't seem like much, it felt like an eternity to us! Everyone said it would happen when it is supposed to, and it certainly did! I got pregnant a month after I transferred to a different position at work (which came with a small raise :) )

Babies are certainly extremely expensive, and while we are going to have to make some lifestlye changes, I am beyond ecstatic to meet this little one!!!! Do we need to eat out all the time? No. Do we need expensive things? No. We want a family, plain and simple. The best things in life are free and I can't wait to hold this little bundle of joy!!!!!

Happy November!