Thursday, June 20, 2013

Linkup with Holly!


So the details:  June 13th. Alumni weekend in good ole Newton, IA!
Location-- Our old church and then reception at the Ikes. Complete with various animal heads on the wall :)
Bridal Party-- My sister, sister in law, and niece. Matt had his brother, friend, and my nephew. It was perfect!
Colors-- Black and hot pink. 

Honeymoon--What honeymoon? We were so broke! what has changed? I was in school full time and waiting tables. We could barely afford our 500 sq. foot apt :)
What Would I Change?-- The fact that I didn't junk punch my mother in law for showing up with her own photographer and COMPLETELY insulting my photographer in the process.
Just kidding, I wouldn't junk punch. or would I????
I would have made it much more low key and stood my ground on how many guests I wanted to invite. (which would have been way less than we actually had) Oh well, it was a great day!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

So What!

HI FRIENDS!!!!  Today I'm saying So What!

So what if I just discovered the awesomeness of mangos (mangoes?). I bought a bag of frozen ones at Hy-Vee and they are delish!

So what if I was slightly annoyed that they don't thaw out in 30 minutes like the package says? Oh well, still good.

So what if I think my daughter is funnier than anyone I know. Baby girl can make me belly laugh like no one else. or maybe we just have the same sense of humor.....

So what if I paid and extra $3.99 to have my hair dryer delivered to my house by tomorrow (order placed this morning) when I was already getting free 2 day shipping. Side note, a free trial of Amazon Prime for 30 days is AWESOME!

So what if I am anxious about a job I interviewed for yesterday? It isn't looking promising that I will be able to work from 8-4:30. Darn it.

So what If I care more about where Halle spends her day than where I spend mine? Meaning our daycare is more important to me than working in a different department. #mamaproblems.

So what if I want to do a whole post about "a day in the life of a claims adjuster" but won't because I fear it will be exposed to all the wrong people :)

So what if I struggle with just being content?

So what if I spend entirely too much money on coffee? I should really quit that habit!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Dear Halle

I can't believe you are now 18 months old! It seems like I should still be rocking you to sleep and praying to the sleep gods that you would sleep for more than an hour :)
You are such a sweet girl! You have started giving us the cheesiest grin and it is so darn adorable.
You still prefer your daddy 10 to 1 over me. No worries, I still love you!
Last night you were being so darn naughty and when I got mad at you, you stuck your pouty lip out and raised your arms up so I would pick you up. When I did, you laid your head on my shoulder as if it was your way of telling me that you were sorry. Too cute.
We take you on a ride in your wagon just about every night and you love every minute of it!
You still don't eat very well, it's usually hit or miss. You adore raspberries and cheese.
You are so shy when we are out in public and have mastered the stink eye (still not as good as your friend Luke Smead...he takes the cake for the best stink eye!) Your favorite people outside of mom and dad are Lacie and Aunt Julie.
Aunt Juile says that you are cursed to have your mothers stumpy feet, so I'm really sorry about that! You are still a peanut wearing 12 month shorts :)

We love you!

Monday, June 3, 2013

SSMT #11!

Week 11!!! Not sure if I blogged what my week 10 verse was so i'll leave that here too:

Week 10:

"If I have everything I have to the poor and even sacrificed by body, I could boast about it; but if I didn't love others, I would have gained nothing." 1 Cor. 13:3 NLT

Week 11:

"God blesses those who patiently endure testing & temptation. Afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him" James 1:12 NLT.