Wednesday, October 31, 2012


My least favorite holiday of the year!!!! Since I did buy Halle an halloween costume (cutest ever!) we took her out last night to a few stops.

Stop #1 - Newton Village where the MIL works. They were hosting trick or treaters from 6-7 so we purposely got there at 5:45 to avoid the rush. Afterall, we weren't there for candy we were just there to see Matt's mom. You would have thought the world was ending when we walked in! Two different blue hairs told us to go wait outside because it doesn't start until 6. I wanted to say "thanks, but we are with the band" but I didn't figure they would understand my humor. So I simply stated we are with Vickie and all was well in the world.
This is where I captured this picture of my little lover. Seriously too much cuteness!

Stop #2 - My dad's house. Julie and Rory were there with Dylan and Drew. Halle wanted to dig her hands in the candy and my dad tried giving her a blow pop. She was TICKED when I took it away. Wish I would have got a picture because her face was priceless. When we left Superman stood next to the driveway and motioned us out. Only Drew :)

Stop #3 - Matt's Grandma Carson's apartment. It's one of those where you have to buzz her apartment and be let in. So we buzzed up, no answer. Oh yes, there was a lady that was sitting right inside the door just looking at us. Um, ya want to let us in?!?! She shook her head at me. FiNAllY some other people left so we snuck in. The lady says "Sorry! Couldn't let ya in! But here, have some crackers." Thanks, Leila.
We trotted up to third floor and whatta know, no grandma! We went back down, asked someone else if they knew where she was and she took us to the card playing room. Bingo!
We met some sweet ladies that play cards with grandma. At this point I had sweat running down my back and was ready to exit stage left. Said our goodbyes, avoided the lady with (what looked like) peanut butter cookies and left.

Stop #4 - Matt's Grandma Firkins apartment. Much more pleasant stop since it wasn't 85 degrees there :) She gave us some peanut butter cups and we went on our way.

Stop #5, last and final stop - Hannah's house! Halle got to pet hayden the weiner dog, but when he started growling at Matt we left. Best part of the night was when we got in the car after leaving there and Matt says to me "What was Hannah wearing? One of those Lu Lu's??"  You mean a Tu-Tu, hunnie?
He has a thing or two to learn about girls :)

All in all it was a good (busy) night, but we made it home by bedtime :)

I am in love with these zebra print jammies.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Forget it FRIDAY!!!!!!!

By the time I get to Friday, I'd usually like to forget most of my work week :)

This week i'd like to forget....

....that Halle was/is a little sickly and was gracious enough to sneeze in my face and share her sickly love with mama. Oh, and daddy has some of it too. Thank goodness for the weekend to recover.

....that my work days were one big shit sandwich. 'nuff said.

....that it's not a pay week for me, waaaaaahhhhh.

....that a week from Sunday I leave for Ohio and will be gone from Halle and Matt for 6 days. Super sad about that one.

This week I **Don't** want to forget....

....that even though Halle wasn't feeling well, she let me snuggle her for more than .2347 seconds at a time :)

HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Because I haven't done this in forever!

I haven't made a birthday list since I was probably 10 years old...and since my birthday (25 and I know my grandma will remind me that I am now a quarter of a century old) is right around the corner I thought it would be fun to dream about what I should buy myself :)

First on my list is some new makeup - I want to try Bare Minerals foundation and blush

Next stop - UGGS! Love these slippers.

And because I obviously have expensive taste, I'd also like this $50 sweatshirt.

Hey,  a girl can dream right? In all reality I'll probably end up paying my car tags and call it a day.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Little Monster

My sweet Halle has turned NAUGHTY! good golly this girl is going to end up with stitches before she turns one.
We obviously don't have a good way to block off these two steps into our living room. We tried buliding an obstacle course and the little booger plowed through it. This was the best we could do. How many times has she fallen from this second step you ask? 3. And she cries as she is standing here because she is so mad that she can't climb the stairs. Such a booger. Love that kid. But with a face like this, what's not to love?

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Because I don't ever want to forget....

Wow, I should really keep up on this blog more!!!! Because I know that all of my 7 followers are clinging to my every word, HA!

ANYWAY, the reason for this post is my little miss Halle. She turned 10 months last week and has been absolutely adorable. Matt and I have had so much fun with her!!!! Her personality is really starting to develop.
She wants to be best friends with stupid puss Mya. It's adorable. She finds it HILARIOUS if the cat is behind us in the hallway before we walk down the stairs. She squeals and giggles and clings to my neck like the cat is going to pounce at any given moment. This might be one of those "you had to be there" moments, but it really is too darn cute and makes us laugh a lot.
On nights when Matt works late (such as last night) Halle and I hang out and play and play and play. To much fun. When Matt gets home all I have to say is "Halle, Daddy's here!" and she crawls as fast as she can to the kitchen to get him. Again, adorable!
Also? She thinks it's funny to do what she isn't supposed to do. Example - climbing the few stairs in our living room. We tell her no so she slowly starts the climb and when we go to get her off she giggles so hard!

While most of this stuff is probably only funny or cute to us, I wanted to write it down somewhere. I don't ever want to forget this stage in her life.

And if we are being completely honest fever hit me yesterday while I was at work and catching up on all of the blogs that I follow. I need to snap out of that because baby #2 isn't in our plans yet! We'll see how many people read this and ask me about that ;)