Thursday, February 28, 2013

SO WHAT!....Thursday?

So what if I missed SWW because I skipped work due to snow yesterday. It was amazing. I even took a nap!

So what if I have tried to order a pair of jeans online THREE times this week but am having a hard time going through with it because they are expensive? #firstworldproblems

So what if I am counting down the hours days until I get my hair did? WHY do I always wait so long? Silly.

So what if I was really snarky when someone tried to make our money business their business. For the record, it's totally inappropriate to ask someone how much their tax return was.

So what if I ate my weight in carbs for lunch today. It was SO GOOD!

So what if I am bored out of my mind at work today. It's so slow and I don't even have a book to read :/

So what if I don't have much on my mind for this edition of so what....Thursday?

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